NAV – Header Information

NAV Functions

Information such as current hole, par, distance to pin, etc. is displayed.
You can also switch green LR and select courses and holes from here.

Current Hole and Par Count

The current hole and PAR number are displayed.
Touch here to display the Course & Hole Selection window.

Distance to Pin

Distance from the current location to the pin.
Touch here to switch greenside LR.

Greenside Information

Greenside information is displayed in the upper left corner of the Distance to Pin value.
L=left, R=right, none=one green.

Pin Information

Pin information is displayed in the lower left corner of the distance to the pin.
C=Center, P=Pin position set.

Distance Unit

Distance unit is displayed in the lower right corner of the distance to pin.
Y=Yard, M=Meter.

Green Edge Information

Distance from the current location to the green edge.
F=Front edge, B=Back edge.

Index – NAV Functions